
Hardware Master Contract


The MEEC Hardware Contract consists of 36 vendor contracts that offer significant discounts on over 280 popular IT manufacturer brands. 

The contract term is March 15, 2017 – March 14, 2026.

The Hardware contracts were awarded through a competitive RFP process in accordance with the USM Procurement Policies and Procedures. Contract approval was granted by the University System of Maryland’s Board of Regents.

Hardware Contract Details

Contract (RFP) Number Contract Term Supporting Documents
UMD-972016 March 15, 2017 – March 14, 2026


Category 1-5 worksheets provide the vendors’ minimum percentage discounts off their Standard Education List Pricing (SELP) for the brands they represent (unless otherwise noted)

    • Solutions Contractors – These contractors were rated as one of the top contractors in at least two of the Hardware RFP’s Categories 1-4. Solutions Contractors can provide integrated computing solutions that cross the individual categories to provide an integrated system. Such systems can include systems engineering, implementation, and support services not to exceed 49% of the total contract value (51% or more hardware, 49% or less services).