Cambridge Computer has extensive experience meeting the needs of research and academic clients. We are intimate with the budgetary and technological pressures unique to these institutions. We have assisted colleges and universities around the country in fitting large solutions into small budgets, designing modular solutions around small influxes of grant money, and figuring out viable ways to pool the resources of multiple research groups to make better use of collective funding. Technologically, we understand that universities often manage thousands of home directories and research projects that may be of a highly scientific nature or have other characteristics that differ from typical corporate data.
Vendor Contact
Primary Contact:
John Oliverio, Relationship Manager
Secondary Contact:
Chris Dennison, Support Team Manager
Management Escalation:
Scott Gay, Director
Vendor Info
- 271 Waverly Oaks Road Suite 301 Waltham, MA 02452
- www.cambridgecomputer.com
Cambridge Computer Services Contract
Hardware Contract Details
Contract (RFP) Number | Contract Term | Supporting Documents |
UMD-972016 | March 15, 2017 – March 14, 2026 |