
MEEC invites you to submit a session proposal for the Member Conference and Vendor Showcase

The MEEC Member Conference and Vendor Showcase will be held on Thursday, April 10, 2025 at Martin’s West in Windsor Mill, MD.  The conference will be a full day of presentations, exhibits and networking, designed to bring together MEEC members and vendors in both an educational and social atmosphere.  Sessions presented by MEEC members and vendors support the success of this conference. 

During the conference, MEEC members and vendors have the opportunity to share knowledge gained throughout the year regarding the use of the MEEC contracts, products, purchasing etc.   Please share your expertise and experiences at this event.  

Member sessions and member/vendor sessions are highly rated by our attendees. Vendors, consider including a member who has used your services or products and have a great story to tell.  In the past, sessions have showcased case studies, experiences, new tools, new ideas and new approaches to the use of products and services purchased from MEEC agreements. Here is your chance to help others by presenting on a topic that supports technology in education. Please note the member-only Fast-Track Sessions are an available opportunity as well.

Submit your Session Proposal 

The deadline for submission is January 17, 2025 at 5 pm.


  • Delivered by member only, member with a vendor, or vendor. 
  • Encourage topics on the use of products under contract with MEEC.
  • 50 minutes, in length.  
  • Explanatory in nature (how products are used/implemented/changed the culture) and not a sales pitch.  This is particularly important for vendors. 

Member only Fast-Track Sessions: 

  • Three (15 minute) presentations offered back-to-back by different MEEC members.
  • Encourage topics on the use of products under contract with MEEC.
  • I.e., an easy-to-use technology that replaced an inefficient/manual process.
  • Does not include Q&A. 
  • Must submit the PowerPoint a week prior to the conference (10 slides max). 

Session Selection Process

The MEEC Conference Team will determine which proposals have wide interest and appeal.  Our aim is to balance the program for products/ software/ services/ procurement among K-12, higher education, libraries and general topics.  Sessions that offer wide appeal to the MEEC membership will be rated highly.  The MEEC conference is attended by staff from information technology, procurement, instructional technology, AV, administration, end users and more.   Not all submissions are awarded a session.  Session descriptions are limited to 1,000 characters.  You will receive notification of submission results via an email in February. 
